Monday, February 1, 2010

Lebanon - 50 livres 2006

New circulating type:

"50 livres 2006"

(image and information from Michael Reissner)


  1. good evening belgium time
    i was at berlin intl fair from friday to sunday, banque du liban had a stand there, selling 2 different blisters and a case, all of them having the famously rare and not released coin of 2006, around 10000 sets,difficult to know what is realy going on, but one thing for sure, the coin is real, released in quantities to some dealers, and finaly released in berlin fair by the banque du liban, when will it be at the publics reach in lebanon???

  2. Im selling such coins you may email me

    It wont be released it has been withdrawn

  3. only 1000 sets were offered in Berlin. I bought 75 sets.


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