Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sri Lanka 2 rupees 2011 - Air Force Platinum Jubilee

New circulating commemorative:

Sri Lanka will issue a coin to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of its Air Force. The coin is likely to be issued on March 9, 2011. On March 9, 2001, they issued a 1 Rupee coin on Golden Jubilee. This year's denomination is 2 Rupees but its issue price may be higher. It is understood that the coin is being minted by the Royal Mint, UK.

"Platinum Jubilee of the Air Force (60 years)"

The logo:

Image of the 1 rupee 2001 that celebrated the Golden Jubilee (50 years):

(information and images from Pabitra Saha)


  1. Hi
    Where i can Bye this coin?

  2. Platinum Jubilee normally means 75years...very odd!


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