Friday, July 15, 2011

Peru 1 nuevo sol 2011 - Machu Picchu

New circulating type:

"Machu Picchu"

This is the 6th coin of the series "Wealth and Pride of Peru":

LINK: Peru Central Bank

Composition: CuNi
Diameter: 25.50 mm
Weight: 7.32 g
Mintage: 10 millions

The previous coins of the series:

1. Tumi de oro (2010)
2. Sarcofagos de Karajia (2010)
3. Estela de Raimondi (2010)
4. Chullpas de Sillustani (2011)
5. Monasterio de Santa Catalina (2011)

1 comment:

  1. Hola aquel que quiera adquirir esta moneda que ya no circula en el Peru por favor contactarse conmigo a o aqui:
    Hello anyone who wants to buy that currency no longer circulates in Peru please contact me to or here


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