Monday, September 22, 2014

Denmark 2014 - Mint master and medallist initials reintroduced

As from 2014 the Royal Danish Mint reintroduces the old tradition of including the initials of the mint master and the medallist on the coins.

The design of all the coins is the same as in 2013, as seen in this image of the 'Coin Set for Children':

But now, as happened before 2002, they also include letters "JS HW" for the mint master Mr. Jørgen Strandgaard (JS) and the medalist Mr. Henrik Wiberg (HW), as seen in this closeup of the 5 and 20 kroner coins:

So, for Krause, we guess that the new KMs could be:

50 ore 2014: KM#866.4 (type without letters was KM#866.3)
1 krone 2014: KM#873.3 (type without letters was KM#873.2)
2 krone 2014: KM#874.3 (type without letters was KM#874.2)
5 krone 2014: KM#869.3 (type without letters was KM#869.2)
10 krone 2014: KM#954.2 (2013 type without letters was KM#954.1)
20 krone 2014: KM#955.2 (2013 type without letters was KM#955.1)

(news from Jo Hoogeveen)
(catalog numbers info from Pabitra Saha)

LINK: Denmark National Bank

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