Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Hungary 100 forint 2020 - New composition (non magnetic)

The Magyar Nemzeti Bank has replaced the base material of 100 forint coins with a more up-to-date metal alloy:

Old 100 forint coin:
Ring: nickel-coated steel
Core: steel coated with alloy of copper (75%) and zinc (25%)

New 100 forint coin:
Ring: alloy of copper (65%), nickel (15%) and zinc (20%)
Core: alloy of copper (75%), nickel (4%) and zinc (21%)

Hungary 100 forint 2020 - New composition (non magnetic)

(news from Alexey Malykh and Pabitra Saha)

LINK: Central Bank of Hungary

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it is not a more up-to-date metal alloy but good old-fashioned and more expensive option. Very strange when most countries move in the exact opposite direction, towards coated steel coins. At the same time Poland switched from copper-nickel to copper-nickel coated steel.


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