Monday, July 21, 2014


This is NOT a coins post. It is NOT a hobbies post.

Few days ago I published a post to give my humble support to the PEACE IN PALESTINA. Soon many comments started to arrive. Some people didn't want to see that kind of post in a coins blog (is there anything more important than peace and harmony?). Other people gave the old arguments of their right to defend themselves (sorry? self-defense? killing kids and women with weapons and resources thousands of times more powerful than the oponent?).

The war in Palestina (and, of course, everywhere) must stop NOW. Religion is not a reason for killing people (if your religion tells you to do so, you'd better abandon it). Frontiers are not a reason for killing other human beings (if your nationalism needs that, you'd better become stateless). THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR KILLING.

When I started collecting coins many years ago and doing mail exchanges with other collectors, I met hundreds of people from the entire world. Almost all were great people, we became good friends. People from many different ages, countries and religions. I felt very proud and grateful for having met all this partners. I have learnt a lot from them, about coins, geography, politics, languages and human relations.

Lately I have been feeling sad, upset and dissapointed. I see people doing horrible things to their neighbors almost everywhere in the world. And what is even worse, too many people just look the other way. Under this reality and present, it is hard to find the daily illusion to talk about coins. But I am hopeful that someday soon I will be able to post a note thanking both sides of the conflict for having reached a real and permanent agreement of PEACE IN PALESTINE.

You may think you can't do anything, that you have no voice, but YOU DO. Just believe in it, treat your neigbor in the same way as you'd like to be treated, and, as someone good and wise said:




  2. Brave of you to do this and I fully understand. It's becoming a common thing lately, many bloggers on climate change and peak oil have given up and several have moved far away from civilization for safety. Respect from me for your stand.

  3. David,

    Never stop spreading the word of peace and love and don't let others bully you into thinking that you're wrong or that you need to stop. This is YOUR blog so do as you please and if it upsets a few of the discontented minority then let it be.

    I support you!

  4. I am agree with the text. We must to stop all wars and it is opportune to write this propose here. Thans for to make us think and peace.

  5. Post subject is absolutely incorrect. What about war in Israel? What about Hamas rocket attacks on Israeli civilians?

  6. Why do you care about peace in Palestine only?
    What about peace in Israel?
    What about peace in Ukraine?
    What about peace in Syria?
    What about peace in Libya?
    What about peace in Sudan?
    What about peace in Eritrea?

    Tell us true that you are Arab and anti-Semite.

  7. I find the current dismay over Gaza to be selective and racist. Why are the events in that part of the world so important? Is it just the latest fashion statement or what? If its due to the death toll then that doesn't make any sense.

    More people have died from Islamic terror attacks in India in just the past 20 years than in the entire history of modern Israel - numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

    More land was stolen from India in the name of Islam - so much so that one can fit hundreds of Palestines into those regions stolen from India. Indigenous Hindus and Buddhists have been ethnically cleansed from the areas now called Afghanistan and Pakistan and Bangladesh by Arabs , Turks and Persians and this is happening even today in modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh

    Christians have been ethnically cleansed from Post Saddam Iraq and Post Communist Bosnia and Kosovo

    More people have died in India at the hands of terrorists since 1989 than in the entire history of conflict between Israel/Palestine. Just because the world does not care about anyone apart from muslims as they cry the most when someone kills them but feel it is all OK while committing murder themselves

  8. I find the current dismay over Gaza to be selective . Why are the events in that part of the world so important? Is it just the latest fashion statement or what? If its due to the death toll then that doesn't make any sense.

    More people have died from terror attacks in India in just the past 20 years than in the entire history of modern Israel - numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

    More land was stolen from India in the name of Islam - so much so that one can fit hundreds of Israels into those regions stolen from India. Indigenous Hindus and Buddhists have been ethnically cleansed from the areas now called Afghanistan and Pakistan and Bangladesh by Arabs , Turks and Persians and this is happening even today in modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh

    Christians have been ethnically cleansed from Post Saddam Iraq and Post Communist Bosnia and Kosovo

    More people have died in India at the hands of terrorists since 1989 than in the entire history of conflict between Israel/Palestine. Just because the world does not care about anyone apart from muslims as they cry the most while committing murder

  9. At the moment and while Israel attacks and kills innocents in Gaza I won't buy any coin to any Israeli dealer

  10. Thank you very much David for your post. I come from a country that witnessed the worst horrors of the Holocaust and will never understand and accept the fact that the sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of the victims of the Holocaust became cruel murders of innocent and defenceless Palestinians. The conflict in Palestine shows the true face of the Jews: warmongers, aggressive and ruthless. I am very, very sorry for the Palestinians - the Jews occupy their land and do everything they can to destroy any future for these brave people. Generation after generation the only thing Palestinians witness in their own land is endless occupation, demolition of houses, expansion of the Jewish settlements and mass murders and killings ... Why the Jews behave in such an inhuman way ? How they dare to spill so much blood in the Holy Land ? Are they not afraid of the God's judgement ?

  11. Hello David
    Where is your post about 250,000 people who got killed in Syria?
    It seems like you antisemith shame on you

  12. Hello David
    Where is your post about killing in Iraq the the numers are much higher then in Gaza
    Ooops sorry Israel is not involved so you are not interested

  13. "Unlike European pacifists I never believed the ultimate evil in the world is war. In my view the ultimate evil in the world is aggression, and the only way to repel aggression is unfortunately by force." (Amos Oz)

    Think about it.

  14. Hello David
    Where is your post about killing in Syria or Ukraine ? The numbers are much higher then in Gaza
    Ooops sorry Israel is not involved so you are not interested
    how is it that you are one sided?
    Or you just hate Jews like your father fathers who expel the Jews from Spain

  15. Dear David,
    I am very sorry that you have stopped writing new posts in your blog. I respect and mostly share your opinion about the war in Gaza, but I don't see the point in giving up your blog as a protest. The only people affected by that are collectors like myself that visited it everyday to keep updated with their hobby. You were making a great job here, please don't let it be another casualty of nonsense war.


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