Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bahrain 5 & 10 fils 2011 - Magnetic

New circulating type:

This new 10 fils coin has a steel core (thus magnetic), while the previous type (KM28) was made of brass.

3rd october 2012: Gijs Vlothuizen confirms that 5 fils 2011 is also magnetic (possibly steel core).

We still need data about the rest of the denominations from 2011/2012...

(information by Gijs Vlothuizen)
(image by Ovidijus Giniotas)


  1. I have a 2010 coin of 5 Fils which is magnetic

  2. 5 и 10 филс 2009г. являются немагнитные а с 2010г. уже магнитные


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