Sunday, September 23, 2012

Zambia 2012 - new coin family

New coinage in Zambia:

(information by Pabitra Saha, Phil McLoughlin and Matt)
(images by Serhiy Dzhyshkariani)

LINK: Bank of Zambia


  1. I find this issue very intriguing. Perhaps these official preview pictures give a misleading impression, but to me all that very fine detail makes them look like coins that carry pictures applied by a "printing" technique (i.e., rather like colour coins).

    My point is, I don't think I've ever come across an issue of a set of regular circulation coins produced employing such a - presumably relatively expensive - technique (though a few countries, e.g. Canada, have issued inexpensive, coloured commemorative coins that are meant for circulation as well).

    All I could find out was that these coins were to be produced in South Africa. Does anyone know more about how they will be made (or if they will, in reality, actually show all that fine detail visible in the picture above)?

  2. Thanks very much, Phil! That clears it up.


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